WELL, we all know by now what happened yesterday AND overnight.

An attempted coup, well, not really, but attempted coup sounds cool.

Long-winded speeches by House members and Senators before finally confirming the EC for Biden.

Arrests coming as the FBI are now involved.

A national embarrassment, and I am NOT talking about the storming of the Capital by a bunch of hillbillies, I am talking about the unpreparedness of the Capital police when anyone with half a brain cell saw this coming.

Republicans and Fox now eating crow, well, for the most part, anyone watching Sean Hannity last night would conclude some Trumpists will never change their stripes.

AND the rest of us wringing our hands, believing that this crisis was akin to 9/11 or the civil war.

People taking to social media and discussion forums to say on one hand, time to overthrow the government and jail all liberals, and on the other hand we should start shooting Trump protestors and execute his loyal supporters (OH believe me, I have read comments like that, as sickening as they are).

I could post my opinions on all matters that occurred over the last 24 hours, but suffice it to say, I spent most of my evening with my sweetheart, enjoying a good dinner, a few drinks and some Netflix afterwards, and I barely even peeked into my own channel or other Disqus channels, because I knew what to expect in way of comments.

SO - without further ado:

Post your opinions (if you are inclined) on whatever is stirring your blood, rousing your passions, keeping you up at night.

ME? I will sit back and read.



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