The Galactically Stupid...

This morning, I was thinking about a scene from one of my favorite movies, “A Few Good Men”…
Great movie with so many riveting scenes that it’s hard for me to pick out any one "best scene."  But let’s go with “Should we or should we not follow the advice of the galactically stupid?!”

Oh yeah, the galactically stupid. :( Brings a lot of people to mind, doesn’t it?  I’m thinking about one in particular this morning, who operates out of D.C. 

So why should I have all the fun?  Let’s all vent together!

Give me a list or a nominee of who you think is the most galactically stupid people/person* you can think of.  You don’t even have to (maybe best not to) say why.  Let the venting lists begin!
*Note-  No personal one-on-one attacks with each other allowed here; else Aunt Susan will have to ban you. :( Keep your nominee(s) generic (i.e., at least one degree of separation).  Thanks.


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