Movies That Make No Sense (alexThekay)

I like a confusing movie.  Really.  I enjoy a film that is "off" enough that I don't see the ending coming in the first twenty minutes.  And films that fit that prescription are, for me, awfully rare.  So a flick that throws me for a loop is just what I want to see.

It helps, however, if the damn thing makes sense.

Look at Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes.  After an exciting escape from the ape-infested future earth, they manage to return to the present and....apes are in charge.  In fact, everybody's an ape, and always was, as witness this picture:

Um...what?  How'd that happen, exactly?

Then there's Donnie Darko.  I love this movie.  Absolutely love it.  It's weird!  It's whacky!  It has a grotesque giant bunny!  And the bunny goes to the movies with Donnie!  What's not to love?

Then the ending comes, and we find out that Donnie died at the beginning of the movie.  Or something like that.  I've seen online attempts to wrest some sort of logical story-line from the flick, and it just can't be done.  Mind you, it's still worth watching.  Several times.

So, what's your favorite--or most-hated, I don't care--movie that just makes no Goddamn sense?


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