I don't know whether the following scenario is a deliberate plan by the DNC, or God is working in mysterious ways, but..

I think there is a movement afoot, whether by human design or divine intervention, to get Trump re-elected again.

The reason why I believe that may seem WAY OUT THERE - but bear with me please.

IF Trump wins again and at least holds the Senate, it may finally push America so much into the abyss, that even those of us who are so taken in by partisan politics may finally get to realize that we are doomed, and in 2024, when Trump is not eligible to be re-elected, we might finally come out of our funk and make the systematic changes we need to make to survive as a nation.

OF COURSE there is always the possibility that Trump might try to pull a Putin and stay on as a life-long President, but no, that won't work, so let's deal with my other theories:

The likes of Biden and Bernie will be too old to re-run again, maybe Hillary will have done us all a favor by 2024 and SHUT HER MOUTH and slink out into the night.

WE may finally have a younger and more dynamic crowd of candidates by then, so we won't have ageism and senility to contend with.

WE will also have had four more years of increasingly serve weather (and no, I don't want to hear from deniers on this subject, sheesh), with increasing number of killer hurricanes and long hot summer days that will start to kill hundreds or thousands of vulnerable people.

By 2024, Obamacare may be off the books, and no replacement put into place, or a replacement that favors the insurance companies, meaning that by 2024 we may see a huge spike in medical costs for the average American.

We may even, if we are lucky, see a spike in Nuclear Proliferation and maybe even an accident (but hopefully limited) nuclear war.

WE may, by 2024, see a power grab even Republican voters will find distasteful, where the President ends up assuming complete power with no checks and balances.

Roe vs Wade may be defeated, and more states outlaw or severely restrict abortion, so we end up having to go back to the days of back-alley abortions.

We will also by 2024, have an ENTIRE generation of young people who have had to bear the brunt of lax gun laws and mass shootings,  reached voting age, and more of the old white folks will have died off, and more millennials becoming the power voters.

Then, so the reasoning goes, we can finally swing this nation back to the left, with less old white voters, more  young voters, more people suffering from climate change, more people upset by the Washington power grab, more people paying way higher premiums for health care, women  rising up in unprecedented numbers, and IF LUCKY, we might even go through another massive pandemic while Trump is in office.

THEN, maybe we will collectively "wake up" and realize what we are destroying and take less partisan steps, and act in a more collective unity, to make some corrections.

Don't know, like I said above, if this is the DNC's thinking in squandering the 2020 election, or God being mischievous, but it does seem there is a move afoot to get Trump re-elected, to cause this nation to suffer greater injustice and indignities, before we can finally crawl out of the abyss we are creating.



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