Sales of garden compost and seeds up 250% as people give their back yard a makeover in coronavirus lockdown
Sales of garden compost and seeds up 250% as people give their back yard a makeover in coronavirus lockdown

Britons cooped up at home have been turning to gardening as a way to pass the time while in coronavirus quarantine.
Sales of compost and seeds are just some items to have seen a spike in recent weeks as people stock up on essentials to give their outdoor areas a makeover during the lockdown.
According to The Guardian, gardening centres experienced an increase in trade before they were forced to close after government measures called for all but essential businesses to shut up shop.
The Blue Diamond Group - who have 37 outlets around the UK - experienced a boost the day after people were urged to work from home that was 64% higher than in 2019.
Rates of customers purchasing compost and seeds were up by 250%, while propagation products saw a rise of 150%.
Dobbies, the country’s biggest garden centre chain, has witnessed large numbers of shoppers getting their hands on hoes, rakes, hand tools and secateurs.
Meanwhile, gardening brand Sarah Raven, has temporarily stopped taking orders for seeds and gardening kits after an sharp increase in demand - but are still sending out plants and bulbs.
People have been sharing their green-fingered activities, while practicing social distancing, on Twitter.
Sharing a picture of an assortment of plant pots, one person wrote: “Day 14: I have been growing these flowers, herbs and cuttings at home and soon after the last frost they will move to what will become our little garden.
“Learning a lot about gardening I guess. Stay home, grow a garden big or small and beat the coronavirus.”
Another thrifty social media user revealed how she was gardening on a budget, sharing: “Gardening on a budget during this coronavirus crisis.
“Most of us live on a tight budget, but growing our food shouldn't be. I re-use any containers on hand: fruit containers, egg cartons, etc... I then transfer them to a raised bed, or the ground. I learn during the process.”
Day 11: Social distancing is not getting easier. We have lost things we had taken for granted but this is an opportunity to look at how we run our lives from a different perspective and adapt.
Meet our apple tree. Arash named her Ocean.
Beat the CoronaVirus. #Covid_19
Day 14: I have been growing these flowers, herbs and cuttings at home and soon after the last frost they will move to what will become our little garden. Learning alot about gardening I guess. Stay home, grow a garden big or small and beat the CoronaVirus.#COVIDー19
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