In YOUR life...

You’re an adult now, looking back over your life.  Some of us are old, some young, some in the middle.  But you are hereby granted a magical 24-hour period to go back and revisit some of your life.

You may visit the dead/living, the personally known/unknown, etc.  No limit on who you can choose to spend time with.  You may break it down into hour increments (or less/more if you wish).  Parse it however you want, and in whatever order you want.

Question: So, how are you going to spend your magical 24 hours?


Here’s my breakdown.  I’ll try to keep in short-ish (for me ;), and just give the basic highlights.  You may expand your details however you want. (I'm so easy 😉).

12:01am-2:00am (2 hours)
Mom.  She has passed now, but I will revisit her when she is at her best.  Maybe we will play cards together, like we used to, or just reminisce about old times.

2:00am-4:00am (2 hours)
I would have a meeting with the great scientists of the world (Einstein, Hawking, Sagan, Greene, Kaku, deGrasse Tyson, Bohr, to name a few).  I’d mostly just be listening, as I let them tell some stories.  Maybe I could get them to debate with each other on some science subject.  All would be speaking in my native tongue, English, so no one would be at a disadvantage.  I really think I could use more time here, but I better move on.  It would all probably be above me anyway.  I'd just love to witness their respective passions. :)

4:00am-6:00am (2 hours)
My long-time passed maternal and paternal grandparents; a half-an-hour with each.  I’d like to be able to evaluate them from my adult point of view now.  I’d have lots of questions for them.

6:00am-7:00am (1 hour)
Old influential singing groups.  Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, Judy Collins, Joan Baez, John Denver, come to mind.  I’d be able to sing some song of my choosing with each them.

7:00am-10:00am (3 hours)
All my old pets, from childhood to adulthood.  I’m giving them extra time because I’ve loved them sooo much.  I miss them all and will never forget any of them.  Thank you for teaching me how to love animals. <3

10:00am-1:00pm (3 hours)      
My childhood.  I would ride the bus to school, visit old classrooms and teachers, play hide-and-seek with my cousins.  I would go to the family Christmas exchanges, school plays, ice-cream from Mr. Softie (the truck that came around on Friday evenings), sled ridding, bike riding, laying on my back, making cloud pictures as they constantly changed.  Mom probably thought there was something wrong with me, as I would lay there for seemingly hours.

1:00pm-3:00pm (2 hours)
I would use this time as a continuation of 10am-1pm, as I’d still need more time to finish the above visits.  Time really flies, when you’re having "re-living" fun!

3:00pm-5:00pm (2 hours)
I would like to go back and visits some of my old boyfriends.  Now, I haven’t had a lot of them.  Definitely can be counted on one hand.  I’d like to see how they’re doing, and how their lives turned out.  This would be enough time as I am happy with my life now and not looking to rekindle old flames.  Just a hug and good wishes, as a final “goodbye,” for old time sake. :)

5:00pm-6:00pm (1 hour)
Myself.  I would revisit myself at, say, 10-year increments, for about 10-minutes for each visit.  These short visits would provide me with enough observation data to make a psychological evaluation.  I would be able to hop from one 10-year increment to the next.  I would cheat and inform her (myself), at each 10-year increment, not to worry about dying, and that she still would have a LOT of life ahead of her. :) I would evaluate myself at each stage, through my now adult eyes. My suspicion is that I was (let's call it) a strange child. :-O

6:00pm-7:00pm (1 hour)      
(reserved)  (Just in case I forgot something ;)

7:00pm-9:00pm (2 hours)
If Jesus really existed, I’d like to spend some time with him.  I bet I’d have like the guy, and his idealistic views.  I would ask him stuff like, “Do you really think you are God?” I would not let him get away with hem-hawing around, like they do in the Bible.  No metaphors, etc., just answer my question.  Then I’d look deeply into his eyes and try to figure out if he was delusional, a rebel, a wannabe, or just what exactly type of person he was.  He would be getting a big-time evaluation from me.  If I thought he was sincere, what could I do but just let him think that?  I’d let him know that I don’t believe it, but hey, he has his own opinion.  I can get that.

9:00pm-12:00am (3 hours)
This three hours conversation would be between me and this famous Entity called “God.”  If no God showed up, I’d already know most of my answers.  But if a God did show up, boy do I have some great questions.  I won’t bore you with them here. But I can think of about 25 right off the bat!!

Thanks for playing and recommending!
(by Primordial Soup… but you can call me “Susan” ;)


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