The People See a New Donald Trump Emerging

President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus crisis has displayed a positive side of him that many had not acknowledged before, political commentator Dick Morris said Sunday.
Mr. Morris said that “people are seeing a Donald Trump they have not seen before” and argued that “he does not act like Trump usually does. He does not take shots at people. He does not set up polarizing debates. He had not hogged the stage. He listens to his experts, clearly.
Mr. Morris, who was a political advisor to President Clinton before returning to the Republican Party in Y 2011, said this has created “a big change in the way the voters view” the President and has served as “an amazing boost to Donald Trump’s electability.”
Mr. Morris predicted that if the worst-case scenario does not develop and instead the virus fades by May and the economy bounces back, it “will produce the biggest presidential victory in modern times” for President Trump.
He contended that “the Presidency forces people to grow. I believe Trump has grown new abilities and new talents and, frankly, new wisdom.”
He said this contrasts sharply to the “disappearance” of likely Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden.
Mr. Morris said President Trump and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo “have literally sucked up all the oxygen in the room. It’s so interesting to see the disappearance of Joe Biden, and, frankly, the disappearance of the Democratic candidates for the President.”
Mr. Morris said, “that there is no way that Biden can be defeated at the Democratic convention or that Cuomo can mount a challenge. Legally, the delegates that have been selected are bound to Biden and have to vote for him as long as he wants them to vote for him.”
Making and Keeping America Great!

Trump couple: What's wrong with Making America Great?

LAPEL — Driving past the home of John and Kathy Cates, motorists can’t miss the signs supporting President Donald Trump for re-election.
Inside their home, two pictures of the Republican president sit on a desk and additional yard signs wait to be distributed to local Trump supporters.
John, 69, is a retired truck driver. His wife works part-time at the Ruoff Music Center and Dollar General.
Kathy has been a supporter of Trump from the start, but John initially liked Marco Rubio.
“I made him go down to a (Trump) rally with me in Indianapolis, which was the first one in Indiana,” Kathy said. “He knew (then) it was a movement and not just a rally.”
John said he originally liked Rubio because he was young and seemed to have plenty of energy.
Both believe Trump has done a good job as president.
“I liked him because everyone seemed to be upset with the way he talked,” Kathy said. “I thought he was showing exactly the way he thought and wasn’t hiding anything from the people. I feel like the career politicians lie to us all the time. I don’t think Donald Trump has done that.”
Of the potential Democrats running for president, John said the only candidate he cared for was Tulsi Gabbard. He said Gabbard reminded him of a bantam rooster.
“I like Joe Biden, but he has been around so long they have plenty that they will bring up on him,” John said. “He’s slipping a little.”
Kathy said there is no Democrat she would vote for over Trump.
The couple keep up on political news but are staunch supporters of Trump.
“What’s wrong with making America great?” John asked.
Kathy said Trump is not a politician, he’s a businessman.
Both like Mike Pence as Trump’s running mate, and John indicated that Pence was important on the GOP ticket to draw votes.


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