
Showing posts from January, 2020

Forum Behavior

I find it a source of pride that for the most part we have collected a group of people on here that can have differing views but still remain reasonably respectful, though heated exchanges do happen, and are welcome. What is unfortunate is that we still have a small group of people who feel it is ok to call anyone they disagree with "morons" and are unapologetic about it, even to the point of claiming that they are simply calling out someone who they DO consider a moron. Trouble is, resorting to those kinds of attacks might make them look like a moron themselves. Also personal differences, here as in the real world, can devolve into launching snide personal remarks about someone, short of an outright insult, but meant to "needle" that person you have a personal grievance with. We all know people like this, people who have to make snide remarks about someone because they can't help themselves, and when my lady friend is watching The Young and The Restless, I ...

On the Issues: Introduction

By Best in Moderation Elections revolve around issues people care about. Regardless of the show that various media and interest groups put on, in the end each voter has to make a choice, not only to vote, but also what that vote will count for and mean to them. Because of this, pollsters, analysts and pundits love to talk about what issues are driving people's decision making process. Some of these issues are static, like the economy, and others are topical, like abortion or gun regulation. Every election, lists are created, polls are done, and in the end candidates try to reach out to the voter interest group that matches their plan the most (or, many times, adjust their plans to said interest groups). It's not easy to figure out what drives people to act. And if you go through all the polls and research (which is exhausting, by the way) you'll find that the methods we have to study this are far from complete or accurate. Most groups gather some topics and then a...


SOME VERY HEATED discussions on here lately, so to lighten the mood: Enter password: ‘snowflake’ Confirm password: ‘snowflake’ Error, your passwords are not alike Republicans are the true snowflakes... they're white, they're cold, and if you put enough of em together they'll shut down public schools Its a joke folks. just a joke. If someone calls me a snowflake one more time... I’m going to melt down.

Congratulations Democrats for winning the Impeachment. Now move on.

By Best In Moderation In late 2019, the Democrat party of the USA finally let the burning fuse of corruption, crimes, immoral acts and abuse of power hit the powder, and impeached Donald Trump. They had done extensive reviews, pulled witnesses and documents, argued in court for more access to information, and decided that they had enough evidence to build a strong case and present it to the House of Representatives and impeach for only the third time in history a President. They did this despite knowing exactly the playbook the Trump team would use, namely: 1) Obstruction of witnesses and materials, and then claiming there were no witnesses or materials 2) Denial of crimes, and then attempting to excuse crimes as not impeachable 3) Complete GOP stonewalling of evidence or votes. Some may question why they would engage in this at all, knowing exactly how it would play out. The Senate would never convict, being in GOP hands. No further defections were expected from the GOP, ...

The Story of Us

Kristen Solindas Included here is a very small excerpt from a website I enjoy thoroughly, Wait But Why . His writing is peppered with goofy stick-figure illustrations, charts, graphs, and interesting tidbits that make all his subject matter enjoyable.  This excerpt , from the author Tim Urban's VERY  large series he has called " The Story of Us ", is a very small snippet from a very long chapter in a 12 part series. Seriously, they are long. Get comfy. The Story of Us delves into politics, and the ever widening divide between left and right, and he explores the reasoning behind why things are the way they are, and where they're going. (Thus the title, 'Wait But Why') His other posts are insightful, humorous, or just plain fun. Usually all three. I highly recommend his writing. _______ Recently, I noticed  this headline  on I wanted to not click on that, but the computer and I both knew that I had no choice. So here’s wh...