Forum Behavior
I find it a source of pride that for the most part we have collected a group of people on here that can have differing views but still remain reasonably respectful, though heated exchanges do happen, and are welcome. What is unfortunate is that we still have a small group of people who feel it is ok to call anyone they disagree with "morons" and are unapologetic about it, even to the point of claiming that they are simply calling out someone who they DO consider a moron. Trouble is, resorting to those kinds of attacks might make them look like a moron themselves. Also personal differences, here as in the real world, can devolve into launching snide personal remarks about someone, short of an outright insult, but meant to "needle" that person you have a personal grievance with. We all know people like this, people who have to make snide remarks about someone because they can't help themselves, and when my lady friend is watching The Young and The Restless, I ...