❆ Happy Hump Day🐪 Merry Christmas 🎄 Happy Hanukkah 🔯 ❆

Merry Christmas 🎄

Happy Hanukkah 🔯 
Matisyahu says, "There are so many Christmas songs out there. I wanted to give the Jewish kids something to be proud of. We've got Adam Sandler's song, which is hilarious, but I wanted to try to get across some of the depth and spirituality inherent in the holiday in a fun, celebratory song. My boy Kojak was in town so at the last minute we went into the studio in the spirit of miracles and underdogs and this is what we came up with. Happy Hannukah!"

🐪Uh-Oh! Guess What Day it is?!🐫

Where do the sounds of a snowflake go?

Most of All ... Enjoy Being Home with Family💝


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