Weekend lite...


Food is always a wiener, er, I mean, winner around here, especially on the weekends. Consuming food is something we all experience, and thus, have in common. (Finally, something! 😁)

Me? All my life I’ve been a picky eater. I suppose some of you may remember my “sauerkraut in the school cafeteria” incident some (let’s see) 70ish years ago! I sure remember it. If looks could kill, my teacher, Mrs. Blouser, would have been a dead woman. (Story available upon request.)

But that was then, and this is now. As we all know from experience, our tastes change over the years. I think they refer to that as having an “adult palate.” Now for the questions:

Q1: Are there any foods that you once hated as a kid, and it took you a long time to finally like them?  And now you actually love them!

Q2: Are there any foods from childhood that you still can’t tolerate, no way, no how, fugedabadit? 

Tell us your stories.

(by PrimalSoup)


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