Wanna live longer?

 Does living longer involve living better? And with an overpopulated planet, do we really need to live longer? I am guessing that the science into longing living has gone to the dogs...............

A new anti-aging pill for senior dogs just entered clinical trials. Could it one day help humans live longer?

Unfortunately, dogs just don’t live as long as humans, living on average from 10 to 13 years.

But what if there was a way to extend a dog’s lifespan by years with just a daily pill? 

A first-of-its-kind anti-aging drug for dogs that targets the metabolic fitness process has now entered clinical trials.

Scientists say it could lay the groundwork for similar medical treatments designed for humans. 

It has been observed that dogs make good models for human research because they have the same number of genes as humans and they can be diagnosed with the same diseases, according to the nonprofit Understanding Animal Research. Dogs have been used for human cancer research, duchenne muscular dystrophy research, and much more.  

More than 1,000 dogs over the age of 10 will participate in the study over the course of four years. The plan is to gain conditional FDA approval by early 2025 and to make the drug accessible to dog owners, and the company is actively inviting owners with dogs over the age of 10 and at least 14 pounds to participate.



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