Easing into the new week… (Part 3)

Next up in my series of Monday Morning Questions, here’s an interesting group of “this or that” questions I found:

  1. Compassion or justice?
  2. Wisdom or intelligence?
  3. Creativity or knowledge?
  4. Spirituality or science?
  5. Passion or rationality?
  6. Courage or patience?
  7. Adventure or contentment?
  8. Innovation or tradition?

These are rather heavy concepts, so I’m paring my list down to just eight this time.  Plus, it doesn’t look like I’m getting a lot of interest/participation on these type OPs, so this may be the last one in the series.  IDK.  TBD.

If you want, give some explanation or maybe a backstory as to why you chose your answers. I.e., clue us in on your thinking process.

(by PrimalSoup)


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