Canadians are quite different, eh?
Damn the characterizations and stereotypes, everyone seems to think Canadians are such nice people.
Certainly different. Having lived more than half my life in Canada I would have to agree - generally - with the characterizations and stereotypes, though of course, a lot of it is overblown.
Canadians CAN BE and often are nasty people. There are just fewer nasty people and they generally frown upon nasty people (while Americans make nasty people Presidents - sorry I couldn't resist).
So here is one analysis of Canadians. From what little or lot of interactions you have had with them, check which ones actually make sense to you.
Freedom and individuality: Canadians tend to see themselves as individuals first, rather than as members of a group.
Politeness and fairness: Canadians value politeness, saying “please” and “thank you” in many social situations; they are often apologetic, and may even say “Excuse me” or “I’m sorry’” if someone else has bumped into them.
Personal space/Privacy: Canadians value their personal space. When speaking to each other or lining up, they typically feel most comfortable allowing an arm’s length between people.
Tolerance, sensitivity and political correctness: As Canada is a multicultural country with citizens with a variety of different beliefs, Canadians try to avoid expressions or actions that can be insulting to others.
Eye contact is a sign of honesty/sincerity: While eye contact at all times isn’t required, Canadians appreciate a certain level of eye contact during conversation, as it implies a level of trust and honesty.
Being on time: Canadians value their time, and expect others to be on schedule.
Curiosity about other cultures: Many Canadians travel abroad, and tend to be curious about other countries. It is not uncommon to ask “Where are you from?” or “What is your background/heritage?”
Informality: Canadians tend to interact more informally with each other. In a university setting, some professors will ask you to refer to them by their first (given) name.
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