Nude models in art

Laura Knight (1877-1870) was an English artist who was a painter in the figurative, realist tradition and who embraced English Impressionism. In her long career, Knight was among the most successful and popular painters in Britain. Her success in the male-dominated British art establishment paved the way for greater status and recognition for female artists.

In 1913  in a first for a woman artist she produced Self portrait with nude guaranteed at the time to cause a sensation. The Telegraph called it "vulgar" and suggested that it would be more appropriate for it to stay in the artists studio. In spite of this Knight continued to exhibit it and it was eventually bought by the National Portrait Gallery where it is now viewed as a masterpiece.

I am looking at a Portrait Gallery postcard right now and am struck with the difference between nudes painted by the primarily male old masters, finely finished and all disguised as goddesses, nymphs, Eve and the like, and this one which shows a real woman. In fact the model is Ella Louise Napier, a friend of Knight's and I can't help thinking that Laura is cocking a snook at the art critics. She looks to her right, her face in shadow not at her model, who turns her back to us her sinuous pose emphasizing her bum and contrasting with the straight lines of the rest of the portrait. At the time women were not allowed to have real nude models, male or female, in art school and here Laura is putting a beautiful, naked real person in the critics eyes. It is a call to women artists that they can paint whatever they want and damn the conventions.

My question is how do you view the constant depiction of naked women in art? Is it erotism for the male gaze or as here, a simple rendering of a willing model, a case of feminism breaking convention. 

An anonymous group calling itself the Guerilla Girls has made a point about the lack of women in art. Here they use Grand Odalisque by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres {1814}.

What do you think; for. against, indifferent.? Is there a difference in the way that male and female artists portray the nude?

Posted by This Style. 


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