Let’s think about the concept of “honor”…
I guess that word can be thought of in a couple of different contexts (i.e., noun, verb, adjective). Rather than loading up this OP with the various meanings, let’s just hone in on “Honor as a quality in one’s life.” In other words, what it means “to have honor.”
One dictionary (Cambridge) defines honor like this:
As a “quality” honor means:
Personal ethics, e.g.,
honesty, compassion, valor, and chivalry
The core of who we are and aspire to be
I’m sure we can all come up with more descriptors, but let’s keep it simple. I know, I know, things are never really “simple.” And if you want to expand on the concept of honor beyond the above definition, that’s fine too.
So, where am I going with this? Honor seems to still be (let’s call it) “important” to some institutions and some people; at least in theory.
Let’s think about some of the ways honor can be talked about:
The military’s code of honor (honor, courage, commitment).
“I give you my word… on my honor as a gentleman.”
Office holder ("I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of…” )
“Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?”
The students were asked to swear an oath to the honor system, that they wouldn’t cheat.
Some/most grocery stores let you checkout your own cart, on the honor system.
“An unmonitored cash box sat by the merchandise and customers were trusted to put in the right amount of money for their purchase…” (btw and fyi, the Mennonite produce stand I go to each summer does that sometimes).
Okay, now that I got you in the right mindset, here come the questions:
Has the concept of “honor” fallen by the wayside in most first world cultures these days? Is it still revered/held in high regard like it once was, in days of old? Explain.
If cultural honor falls to some sort of “critical mass low point,” can a democracy survive that? Does a democracy depend on honor, or does a society break down once honor is mostly lost?
As an individual, do you think/believe you have personal honor? If yes, quantify it (100%, 75%, 50%?). Would you ever compromise that honor? If so, what situations could make that happen (e.g., self-preservation, anger, revenge)?
(by PrimalSoup)
Thanks to one of our regulars for the subject matter here (honor). He preferred to remain anonymous and gave me free rein to formulate the OP any way I wanted to. I hope I did it justice. 😊
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