Even Snowflakes get sick.


Everyone's sick this winter. What’s up with flu, norovirus, RSV and COVID?

If it seems like you and everyone around you is getting sick this winter, you're not wrong.

Experts say this is the worst flu season in the U.S. in more than a decade and cases are still trending up. Flu infections have reached the highest level since the winter of 2010 and 2011 when the swine flu swept across the nation, data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows.  

The CDC estimates that there have been at least 29 million flu infections so far this season, through Feb. 8, including 370,000 hospitalizations and 16,000 deaths. 

Flu vaccination rates among the general population are at their lowest level in three years, according to CDC data. Among children, they’re at a six-year low.  


Them anti-vax Americans, eh? Wait a minute, maybe this ain't just the Americans..............

Why so many people in Canada seem to be sick right now

Influenza widespread in many parts of the country, Public Health Agency of Canada says

Dawn Bowdish, a professor of medicine at Hamilton's McMaster University, pointed to national goals of vaccinating 80 per cent of vulnerable people, such as the youngest and oldest. The influenza vaccine uptake goal is meant to protect those at high risk of infection and complications from the respiratory illness, according to the Public Health Agency of Canada.
Bowdish, the executive director of the Firestone Institute for Respiratory Health, says Canada has never hit that target. 

So, one Snowflake has had all his flu and covid shots and yet............... today................ he is home sick. 


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