Thinking about religion and Christianity at the year's end

Some weeks back, Susan mentioned this 2 hour video, Zeitgeist. It was mind-blowing. It focuses on the origins of various narratives or stories that various religions adopted over the centuries. 

At ~13:25 - 37:00 the video describes ancient precursors of major modern religions, especially Christianity. Recorded history indicates that it started with astronomy and astrology. The Cross of the Zodiac is asserted to be one of the oldest recorded images that humans produced. It depicts the months, seasons and other natural phenomena. 

This is an ancient pagan symbol, not
originally Christian

The video discusses the origin of the ancient Egyptian God Horus.

The video points out that the origins mythology of Horus is echoed in the origins of other Gods in other religions. 

The origin myths are astrological. The star in the East is Sirius. On Dec. 24, Sirius aligns with the three stars in Orion's belt, which were called the Three Kings in ancient times and still today. 

The four aligned stars point to the place of sunrise on Dec. 25.

The mythology was and still is that the Three Kings follow the Star in the East to find the sunrise on Dec. 25. On Dec. 22, the Sun hits its lowest place in the sky, but for three days, the 22th, 23rd and 24th, the Sun position in the sky appears to be stationary to the naked eye. On the 25th, the Sun's position appears to begin to rise. During the three days, the Sun appears to be located in the sky in the vicinity of the Southern Cross constellation.

The ancient mythology says the Sun died on the Cross, was dead for three days and then was resurrected. Jesus and other “Sun Gods” share elements of this mythology.

On Easter, the spring equinox, the Sun officially overpowers the darkness and days in the northern hemisphere are longer than the nights. 

The origin of the 12 disciples are also grounded in astrological symbolism of the 12 months of the year.

Early imagery of Jesus placed him in the place of the Sun in the ancient pagan Cross of the Zodiac symbolism. Jesus is the Sun

The Pagan origin of the modern fish symbol.

Egyptian God Horus compared to Jesus. 

Christian scholarship explains the pagan and Egyptian origins of the key Christian stories as the work of Satan, who anticipated Jesus and implanted the Christian story in earlier places, times and religions. Conclusion:

By Germaine: Interested in history

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