A short pre-Christmas fireside chat

 Unless you don't have a fireside. We don't. We put on the fireplace channel, with the crackling logs, so while it doesn't give off any heat, we get to enjoy the crackle of logs burning.

A lot of thoughts have been rolling around in my head lately. Some have to do with this forum. Trouble is, I have gotten so lazy and comfortable in my old age, I seldom do anything with my thoughts. Tomorrow is another day sort of thing.

That is part of the trouble I am having. You see, way back, when we started this journey together, it was mostly politics. Now it is a bit of everything. Which pleases me, because politics has gotten old for me.

I blame, partially, living in Canada. Removed you would say, from the worse nightmares. Or is it that there is just so much negative press nowadays a person becomes numb?

I also noticed, when I go back and review the first threads created on this forum, that I had a different set of regulars. Many have left. Found other forums or just left - period. To replace them I have managed to make a new set of friends. I mean, you all are friends, aren't you?

I was musing with Susan on one of her threads lately about how much longer I want to keep doing this. So why not open up that question to you all? Do you envision hanging in with us forever or do you envision it getting old for you after a while? I suspect I might be less active, post less threads, but this is, at least for now, my baby. 

I might have to shorten the invite list as some that I keep inviting hardly ever show up. That is ok with me too. It's here for those of you who want it. I might do more hovering in the background, rather than active participation, I am just not sure yet. Regardless what I decide, this will hopefully remain a respectful place to hang out and have some friendly chats. 

My son arrives Wednesday to stay at his mom's. We will have a visit as well. He lives in Alberta and hasn't been "home" since Covid. Be nice to catch up with him. Other than that, we have no plans. Not even so much as family visit because, well, because our family live in Minnesota. So it will just be Geri and I. 

I would be open to anyone who is a regular on here to become an author. If you have a special interest. Could always use another or two.  If not, I am happy with the ones I have. 

If I don't get a chance to catch up with you all before Christmas, remember IT IS Christmas, but can be other things as well for other folks, including Happy Holidays. So will wish you all the best of the Season and New Year. 

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