Salt or Sugar

 I have a sweet tooth, particularly  ice cream.

Adversely, my partner loves salt. Give her a bag of chips any day.

Oddly, despite having a sweet tooth, I don't put sugar in my coffee. But then, I do prefer iced cappuccino.

When you ask folks, which do you prefer, they would say both, but if I ask which do they prefer MORE, then one is likely to pick sugar or salt over the other.

Both, mind you, are bad for you.

But which is worse?

Neither are particularly dangerous so long as they're consumed in moderation, but head-to-head, excess sugar has more of a negative impact on your overall health,  “Salt is essential for the body to function properly. Sugar is not.”

"[Sugar is] not of the same impact as salt and not associated with as many diseases. Salt is worse than sugar," said Dr. Norm Campbell with the University of Calgary's Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta.

Oh geeze, even the "professionals" can't agree.

BUT for sake of argument: Which do YOU prefer? Salt or Sugar. Sugar or Salt. AND yes, I mean which do you prefer MORE than the other?

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