Our year in review…
“And another one gone and another one gone
and another one bites the dust.” 🎶
The year 2023 is coming to a close. For me, time seems to go by faster and faster. But I know that’s just an optical illusion because, as Einstein was once quoted:
I think he was onto something there. Anyway…
My year has been rather uneventful. I guess that’s better than how it could have played out. “Something” still seems to be on my side, at least for a little while longer. I’m aware of and appreciate that. Whether that “something” be a result of luck-of-the-draw or some kind of otherworldly influence, I have no idea. Who knows? Maybe there is such a thing as “guardian angels.” 🤷♀️ Who am I to say?? I’m also aware that it’s always there, bad news, lurking, waiting somewhere in the background of my life. I’m ever vigilant and “braced for impact.”
As for our fellow bloggers,
Very sad that our AlextheKay lost his sister a few months back, and his brother is now very sick also. Very rough year for Alex. [sigh]
Our Vinny G just bought his first house this year. I hope that’s going well. I’m so happy for him. But heads up, Vin… taxes and insurance bills are on their way! 😱
I think our Germaine bought a new electric car, and ended up getting it dinged by some careless person. Day-um!
Who am I forgetting??
So, how has this past year been for you? Were there any “significant life events” for you and/or yours? E.g., births, deaths, weddings, divorces, vacations, illnesses, job changes, promotions, graduations, retirements, new Social Security recipients, dare I say big lottery winner? 😁 Did you make any big-ticket item/major purchases?
Hopefully (with enough participation) this forum will still survive for another year. We’re rather puny, compared to the biggies (blogs) out there. But for now, we’re still here! So, let’s bask in it. Nothing so sweet as those days of wine and roses. 😊
What kind of year has 2023 been for you? Good, bad, indifferent? Reflect back.
(by PrimalSoup)