open discussion about political language

 Them Republicans, they are deplorable, Fascist, racist.

Them Democrats, they are vermin, woke, groomers.

Yes yes, bad language has always existed. However, a different take.........

Trump’s ‘vermin’ comment was vile, but Democrats should also stop dehumanizing opponents

If you’re searching for a leader who will call us to the angels of our better natures, we can abandon all hope, ye who enter here, or we can seek better among those who wish to lead. Or insist on it.

Question: Fight fire with fire, or take the higher ground? Are OUR words like deplorable NOT as heinous as Trump's use of Vermin, so it's ok?

Collective demonization certainly isn’t something new in politics, particularly recently. When Hillary Clinton identified half of Trump supporters as a “basket of deplorables,” she was playing on the same field as Trump and his “vermin” comment. When President Joe Biden blithely labels many Trump supporters as “semi-fascist,” he’s swimming in similar mire.

Anyone who condemns Trump’s words, but agrees with Clinton and Biden, isn’t acting on principle, but politics. And vice versa. As English writer and philosopher Aldous Huxley said, “The propagandist's purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human.”

Why can’t we follow Lincoln’s lead and show ‘charity for all’?

America deserves better. Rather, it needs better.

Near the end of the Civil War, the most severe threat in its history to America’s survival,  Republican President Abraham Lincoln in his second inaugural address famously and historically called out to the South and North alike, “With malice toward none, with charity for all.”

Hey, this is not Snowy's argument but that of.......

George Korda is a political analyst for WATE-TV, hosts “State Your Case”

Does Mr. Korda have a point or is he making a false equivalency? After all, many have argued it is time to "fight fire with fire."


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