A holiday chuckle for you…

Jelly donuts. Now what pastry pervert ever came up with that one? Seriously, when presented with a choice in a box of gorgeous “highly decorated” (like generals) donuts, who goes after the jelly-filled ones? No one in their right donut mind, that’s who. In fact, it’s usually the lone survivor of the dozen, left on the battlefield among the ruins, bruised and battered from finger pokes, hoping someone would put it out of its misery. 

They’re messy, drippy, laden with great gobs of gelatinous (is there another kind?) goo. For crying out loud! It just ain’t right, I tell ya.  Toast?  Sure.  I can give you that.  But donuts?  Ha!  That’s just plain nuts.

Well, you know my feelings. So, what are your feelings towards the infamous jelly donut?

Our survey says: Thumbs up or down 👍👎

If you say yummy, I’m gonna need some ‘splainin’ here. 🤢  Make your jelly donut case to the jury.

(by Primal “absolutely no jelly!” Soup)

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