The “Help Desk” is now… Open

Yes, I’m trying something a little different this time.  It may or may not get a lot of participation.  If so, good.  If not, no biggie (hey, it’s still the weekend for most of us, and the holiday season is upon us to boot, so I have no “Be there! Will be wild!!” expectations 😜).


It’s a fact that we’ve got free access to a LOT of computer-savvy talent here on Snowflake’s Forum (I’m dubbing them “The Brainiac Squad”).  So, let’s use them.  (I’m talking to you, @AlextheKay, @dubious, @Germaine, @ImperatorMachinarum, @Peter Taylor, @StrontiDog, @Thunder, who am I forgetting, we have so many?)

  • If you are in need of information, do you have any computer-related questions that you’d like to get some help with, from The Brainiac Squad?  (E.g., how to check your storage levels, or if things are being saved properly, printer and/or other peripherals problems, etc.)  It might get cumbersome since we all likely have different setups, but given enough info, I’m sure one of the Brainiacs can help you out with any problems.

Don’t be shy.  Don’t think any question is too dumb.  It isn’t.  If you don’t know X, chances are good that someone else here doesn’t know X (and that includes me!).  No question is too unimportant.

  • If you are the holders of information (Brainiac Squad), do any of you have any computer tricks, tips, techniques or just plain advice about the world of computers, to clue the rest of us in on?  Here’s a chance to showcase your talents!

Let’s use today’s OP to “spread the word”; the “Computers 101” word, that is.  

Thanks in advance to all who participate. 😊

(by PrimalSoup)

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