Retirement is hard work
Retirement is hard work for me. I have worked since I was 14 at one job or another.
So far this year I have had my right knee replaced, and just finished a little more than a month of painting. Still have a little more to go but I can take more time with this.
I'm not sure how to relax, so amongst all of this activity, I started crocheting bed dolls again. So far I've done 3 and am working on a fourth for my BFF. I gave the first one to my physical therapist for pushing me and putting up with the bad days.
These 2 are for auction to help raise money for our VFW Post to use to help veterans and their families. That will be next weekend. The pink one took 72 hours because I added 2 extra rows of ruffles and my hands kept cramping, plus the Arthur was calling my name a lot. It's amazing to me that everything takes so much longer to do now, I don't feel old, but I must be slowing down some. As the doctors tell me, I'm not 25 anymore so the body is doing what it is supposed to.
So does anybody else have trouble slowing down after retirement? It seems I have lots more time to get things done, but it is taking LOTS more time to do them. However, I have learned how to take a nap since retirement. I don't have to stay awake if I don't want to, I can lay down for 30 minutes to an hour and I'm good to go.
So once again, does anyone else have trouble slowing down after retirement?
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