Literal Self Help… (2)
See this link for context.
20 Deep Questions for Accurate Self-Assessment (part 2 of 3):
- What positive qualities do you bring into your close relationships?
- What tasks and responsibilities do people at work trust you with?
- What skills do you want to learn in the next five years?
- In what ways are you contributing to your family, organization or community?
- What activities make you feel content, energized and fulfilled?
- What are your strategies for bouncing back after a failure?
- What threats and opportunities do you currently see in your life?
- What are you most likely wrong about?
- What could you give a 30-minute speech on with no preparation?
- Do you have any addictions? What are they?
- What do you spend too much time doing? What do you spend not enough time doing?
- What do you love about yourself?
- When people come to ask you for help, what do they usually ask for?
- When you ask others for help, what do you usually ask for?
- What do you think about when you’re alone?
- What are three questions you wish you had definite answers to?
- What is your biggest strength and your biggest weakness?
- If you could change one decision you made in the past, what would it be?
- How would you describe yourself in one sentence?
- What limiting beliefs do you hold about yourself and the world?
Remember, don’t/not necessary to overthink this (but you can if you
want). Just go with first thoughts, is
my suggestion.
Thanks for posting and favoriting.
(by PrimalSoup)
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