Peter Cahill

 OK, so we all have an opinion on the verdict on Derek Chauvin by now - but what about the judge - Peter Cahill?

Those who were for seeing Chauvin handed a longer sentence will say he was too lenient.

Those who thought Chauvin was being mistreated as to the law will say Cahill was way too strict in his sentencing.

BUT do any one of us want to be in his shoes? Seriously?

Cahill was in a no-win situation and no matter what decision he made, he would be criticized by some because of his conduct and sentencing.

A bit of reading for context:

For what it is worth, I felt he ran a tight ship during the trial, was courteous, fair, and decisive. A am particularly not used to seeing a judge rising from his throne to greet witnesses as Cahill did, so add gentlemanly.

I know some will base their opinions of Peter Cahill on how they view the sentence he handed out,  nevertheless what did YOU honestly think of how he handled the trial and verdict?

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