Going EV

 Recent news items about EVs:

"The Rosenbauer RT is the fire truck of the future"


Police Departments Are Trying Out EVs to Save Money


Charging stations for EVs are popping up all over the place:


Of course the Republicans in the Senate are holding up an Infrastructure Bill that would advance charging stations on highways:


But these measures have little effect unless you and I are willing to change over to EVs.

My sweetie and me both drives gas powered SUVs but hardly ever use mine anymore, as we go most places together, so we have been seriously discussing selling both of our SUVs and getting one Hybrid.

Why a Hybrid?

WE live in an apartment complex that doesn't offer charging stations, so we still want to have gas in the tank for when we need it but would charge our new Hybrid at charging stations we have popping up all over town.

What about YOU?

Any plans to going to full EV, or Hybrid? Or sticking to gas?

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