SO, I woke up this morning, and I thought to myself, time to post another thread. Then I couldn't think of anything to post about. Then I thought, well, this ain't the first morning I couldn't think of anything. Not just about this forum. About anything. Like waking up and not really waking up. Bleary eyed. Not "with it." Then I wondered, is this new? And I tried to take my memory back in time to my younger years, and yes, by golly, from time to time I would wake up and look at the world and say "f*ck it." Of course head shrinkers and so-called professionals will postulate on what causes this, you know, things like lack of sleep (but I slept fine last night), weather (NOW THAT could be the cause, we are due for a major dumping of snow) , Circadian rhythms - (you might have to look that one up), poor eating habits, and the list goes on. Or does it just happen sometimes? Just part of being a human? No explanation needed? So, guess what happened then? ...