
Showing posts from February, 2025

Want One, But No Space.

  There are things we want, but space prohibits it.  Bunny would love the old types of radios that were once furniture.  Also a Victrola.  Alas, space won’t allow it. What is it for you? J.P. Bunny

Wanna live longer?

 Does living longer involve living better? And with an overpopulated planet, do we really need to live longer? I am guessing that the science into longing living has gone to the dogs ............... A new anti-aging pill for senior dogs just entered clinical trials. Could it one day help humans live longer? Unfortunately, dogs just don’t live as long as humans, living on average from 10 to 13 years. But what if there was a way to extend a dog’s lifespan by years with just a daily pill?  A first-of-its-kind anti-aging drug for dogs that targets  the metabolic fitness process  has now entered clinical trials. Scientists say it could lay the groundwork for similar medical treatments designed for humans.  It has been observed that dogs make good models for human research because they have the same number of  genes as humans and they can be diagnosed with the same diseases , according to the nonprofit Understanding Animal Research. Dogs have been used for human ...

Brain frozen

 SO, I woke up this morning, and I thought to myself, time to post another thread. Then I couldn't think of anything to post about. Then I thought, well, this ain't the first morning I couldn't think of anything. Not just about this forum. About anything. Like waking up and not really waking up. Bleary eyed. Not "with it."  Then I wondered, is this new? And I tried to take my memory back in time to my younger years, and yes, by golly, from time to time I would wake up and look at the world and say "f*ck it." Of course head shrinkers and so-called professionals will postulate on what causes this, you know, things like lack of sleep (but I slept fine last night), weather (NOW THAT could be the cause, we are due for a major dumping of snow) ,  Circadian rhythms -  (you might have to look that one up), poor eating habits, and the list goes on. Or does it just happen sometimes? Just part of being a human? No explanation needed? So, guess what happened then? ...

Singers That Really Make You Appreciate Their Talent.

  It can be the voice, style, technique…whatever.  Bunny likes the singer of Let It Go.  Loud, clear, and very strong and unwavering near the end. For you? J. P. Bunny

Beam me outta here Scotty.......

  'Star Trek' cruise will celebrate show's 60th birthday with William Shatner and more stars Is Shatner still alive?  “Star Trek”  will have a 60th birthday celebration on the high seas. Will the ship be called The Enterprise? The ninth installment of the  popular theme cruise , Star Trek: The Cruise IX , will mark six nearly decades since the franchise’s  first TV series premiered  when it sets sail next year Sheesh, that was the best name they could come up with for that cruise?  Passengers will visit Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic, San Juan, Puerto Rico, and Royal Caribbean’s private Bahamas destination,  Perfe ct Day at CocoCay. What, NOT CANADA?? Along with Shatner and Koenig, “Star Trek” actors Bobby Clark (The Gorn), Sean Kenney (Captain Pike) and Sandra Gimpel (The Salt Vampire) will make appearances. Other stars from throughout the franchise will come aboard, as well. Those include Jonathan Frakes (Commander William T. Riker...

The Worst Car You Have Ever Owned.

  The title says it all.  For Bunny it was an AMC Hornet.  Bought it from the man across the street.  Half now, half later.  Total piece of crap. Constantly falling apart.  Guy kept asking for his money, but it was being used to keep the thing running.   One day, came to a red light, and stepped on the brakes.  They disintegrated right there.   Told the guy Bunny wasn’t paying for the rest, and if he made trouble, I would let the people he was selling cars to what they were in for. Gave up a great Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme for that. What about you? J.P. Bunny

What is my favorite thing about me?

 Seriously? I was asked that recently by an old acquaintance. What is my favorite thing about me? I suppose, I could have been asked............ what is the least favorite thing about myself?  That is like asking what do you like about yourself vs what do you NOT like about yourself. I chuckled, said "nothing, I am perfect." Oh well, just showing my vanity. Or sarcastic wit? Am I vain? Actually no. But I DO have a sarcastic wit that sometimes borders on disrespectful.  I admit it.  So, a question seldom pondered but perhaps needs pondering. What is it about YOURSELF that you like or not like? What is your favorite thing about you? Or least favorite? Be blunt (if you choose) 

Weekend lite...

  Food is always a wiener, er, I mean, winner around here, especially on the weekends. Consuming food is something we all experience, and thus, have in common. (Finally, something ! 😁) Me? All my life I’ve been a picky eater. I suppose some of you may remember my “sauerkraut in the school cafeteria” incident some (let’s see) 70ish years ago! I sure remember it. If looks could kill, my teacher, Mrs. Blouser, would have been a dead woman. (Story available upon request.) But that was then, and this is now. As we all know from experience, our tastes change over the years. I think they refer to that as having an “adult palate.” Now for the questions: Q1: Are there any foods that you once hated as a kid, and it took you a long time to finally like them?  And now you actually love them! Q2: Are there any foods from childhood that you still can’t tolerate, no way, no how, fugedabadit?  Tell us your stories. (by PrimalSoup)

How Or When Does Your Muse Appear?

  This may not be for all, but sometimes we need ideas.  Bunny often needs to make speeches, give presentations, make interesting lessons, and such.  Of course, ideas are never there when you need them.  Bunny’s ideas usually come when in the shower, or mumbling to himself after brushing his teeth.  Seems Bunny’s muse enjoys hanging around water.  Weird, but the ideas flow. If this pertains to you, are your ideas always on call or do you need wait for them to come in their own sweet time? J.P. Bunny.


  Connor McDavid etched his name in Canadian hockey history with a golden goal on Thursday in Boston, winning a game and a tournament that felt bigger than anything ever played in an All-Star break. With the goal,  Team Canada beat Team USA 3-2  in the first best-on-best championship game between the two countries since the 2010 Olympic gold medal game, which Canada won in overtime thanks to Sidney Crosby. ALAS, the series was marred by Canadians booing the American anthem during the first games in Montreal, so the fans in Boston had to return the favor.  Canadians I have been listening to saying the Americans deserve the booing, because of........... well you know because of.  I say BS. Canadians could have shown more grace. Americans on the other hand, could have embarrassed Canadians by cheering the Canadian anthem in Bost...

Authors You Once Enjoyed, But Have Given Up On.

  Bunny used to enjoy the books by Clive Cussler.  Raise The Titanic, and others.  A bit far fetched, but entertaining and possible.  But, as he went along, he kept writing himself into the books.  By the time Bunny gave up, he was a fairly major character.  Took one out of the story.  Can’t be bothered anymore. Any similar experience for you?  Something that soured you on an author? J. P. Bunny

Even Snowflakes get sick.

  Everyone's sick this winter. What’s up with flu, norovirus, RSV and COVID? If it seems like you and everyone around you is getting sick this winter, you're not wrong. Experts say this is the  worst flu season  in the U.S. in more than a decade and cases are still trending up. Flu infections have reached the  highest level  since the winter of 2010 and 2011 when the swine flu swept across the nation,  data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows .   The CDC estimates that there have been at least 29 million flu infections so far this season, through Feb. 8, including 370,000 hospitalizations and 16,000 deaths.  Flu vaccination rates among the general population are at their  lowest level in three years , according to CDC data. Among children, they’re at a  six-year low . Them anti-vax Americans, eh? ...

Nude models in art

Laura Knight (1877-1870) was an English artist who was a painter in the figurative, realist tradition and who embraced English  Impressionism . In her long career, Knight was among the most successful and popular painters in Britain. Her success in the male-dominated British art establishment paved the way for greater status and recognition for female artists. In 1913  in a first for a woman artist she produced Self portrait with nude guaranteed at the time to cause a sensation. The Telegraph called it "vulgar" and suggested that it would be more appropriate for it to stay in the artists studio. In spite of this Knight continued to exhibit it and it was eventually bought by the National Portrait Gallery where it is now viewed as a masterpiece. I am looking at a Portrait Gallery postcard right now and am struck with the difference between nudes painted by the primarily male old masters, finely finished and all disguised as goddesses, nymphs, Eve and the like, and this one whi...

Baryogenesis - WTF?

Germaine recently reported that a neutrino detector has successfully detected an antineutrino. The antineutrino is the antimatter counterpart of a neutrino, a particle “so small its mass was long thought to be zero” ( Wikipedia ). “‘This is actually huge,’ says neutrino physicist Kate Scholberg of Duke University,” without a trace of irony. The sum total of Dan T’s knowledge of particle physics rhymes neatly with “hero,” so Dan decided to be a hero and look into the matter. Or is that “antimatter.” What Dan T found would certainly be disturbing if he understood it. Antimatter is “ composed of the antiparticles (or ‘partners’) of the corresponding particles in ‘ordinary’ matter, and can be thought of as matter with reversed charge, parity, and time.” Wait. Reversed time? WTF. It gets worse. There should be the same amount of matter and antimatter, but there isn’t. Baryogenesis is the hypothesised mechanism which accounts for this little problem. I’ll let Wikipedia take over from here...

Easing into the new week… (Part 3)

Next up in my series of Monday Morning Questions, here’s an interesting group of “this or that” questions I found: Compassion or justice? Wisdom or intelligence? Creativity or knowledge? Spirituality or science? Passion or rationality? Courage or patience? Adventure or contentment? Innovation or tradition? These are rather heavy concepts, so I’m paring my list down to just eight this time.  Plus, it doesn’t look like I’m getting a lot of interest/participation on these type OPs, so this may be the last one in the series.  IDK.  TBD. If you want, give some explanation or maybe a backstory as to why you chose your answers. I.e., clue us in on your thinking process. (by PrimalSoup)

Did you know...........?

That President's Day was originally............ Until 1968, Washington’s Birthday had always been celebrated on February 22. It was tradition and a powerful reminder of the man who helped create what we have today in the United States. On June 28, 1968, Congress passed the “Uniform Monday Holiday Act”. This law was to provide uniform annual observances of certain legal public holidays on Mondays. While the name “Presidents’ Day” was proposed for this Monday holiday in 1951, the U.S. government never officially changed the name.  In the 1980s, thanks to advertising campaigns for holiday sales, the term became popularized and largely accepted. While it may seem like the entire nation observes “Presidents’ Day,” Virginia, Illinois, Iowa, Florida, and New York specifically recognize the third Monday in February as “Washington’s Birthday” or “George Washington Day." Some states, such as Virginia, celebrate Washington’s birthday the entire month of February. In the city of Laredo, T...

Life Lessons You Learned In Elementary School

  You learned this in elementary school, and it has done well for you throughout life.  For Bunny, don’t take anything you value or is important to you to school or work.  Bring something you are proud of to show and tell.  It is important to you, but not the others.  They don’t care if they break it or not. Bunny has had pens and pencils taken from his desk at work.  Not valuable, but they either were souvenirs from other countries, or something he was fond of.   What lesson of childhood have stayed with you? J. P. Bunny

Cheaply Made Brilliant Films

 It should be easy to make a great film with a hundred million dollars.  Granted, many moviemakers have proven it's easy to make a terrible film with that kind of investment, but that's neither here nor there.  Isn't it time we showed respect for brilliant films made on a shoestring? For example, the original Little Shop of Horrors.   No musical numbers, but a wonderfully funny script, a three-day shoot, and you even get a young Jack Nicholson!  To hell with the musical remake.  THIS is the real thing! A lot less funny, but terrifying and believably real is a 1968 film that slid under most people's radar:  Targets.  Made on a small budget, and starring Boris Karloff basically playing himself as "Byron Orlock."  They had him for two days that he owed the producer from an earlier film.  It's his final film role and one of his best.   It's dark.  Funny?  No.  But it's a film that shows the art of film-making in a ...

Okay, I'm in the mood for...

 ...some laughing baby videos.   Here are two of my faves: We could all use something to laugh about! Post your favorites! (by PrimalSoup)

For Fans of Steven Spielberg

 I have to admit, so many of his movies were dreck. I know I know, they were also blockbusters. But Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park, E.T. Jaws, Close Encounters are just pap. Entertaining for those easily entertained. BUT HEY, just my opinion, YOURS may be different. Odd then, that some of my favorite movies were Steven Spielberg Movies: Schindler's List Saving Private Ryan Lincoln The Color Purple And who couldn't be a fan of Duel, even though it was made on the cheap. What are YOUR thoughts on Spielberg movies. Got some faves, some not so faves? The only one I never saw and the ratings are so poor, not sure I want to, is.........

Time Travel Stories.

  Movies, TV, books…Time travel stories that you enjoy.  Maybe the plot holes are rather large, but you enjoy them anyway.  Maybe the holes ruin it for you.  Are there some that really made you think? J. P. Bunny

No Flowers or Chocolates

 Those are just so yesterday and so unimaginative.  Or am I wrong? What to give your loved one for Valentine's then? A card? An e-card? Dinner out? A teddy bear?  How about lingerie? Nah, THAT is something she gives you on Valentine's.  Is Valentine's even a big deal any more. Sort of like Christmas, more hassle than it's worth? Say "I love you" and enjoy a movie together, isn't that enough? Don't hang around Disqus, spend some time with her - or him.  Many Americans think Valentine’s Day is romantic and fun - not outdated or stressful A new survey from  The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research  shows that about three-quarters of Americans plan to celebrate Friday’s holiday in some way this year. More than half will be with a romantic partner, and about 4 in 10 will be with family. About 2 in 10 will  celebrate with friends , and 15% say they’ll mark the occasion in some other way.