The Great Boycott

 Boycott bud light. Boycott Target. Fine. Boycott any store that sells Trump hats, mugs, t-shirts. Only fair.

Boycott things made in China. Does ANYONE do that? Why not? We had a big boycott of products from Russia, like Russian made vodka.

Boycott Christian stores. Or boycott Disney. Whatever suits your fancy and your partisan leanings. There is always going to be a reason to boycott something. Granted, the Right have turned it into a fine art. But the left isn't guiltless. Dr. Seuss anyone? 

So, a few simple questions:

1. Have you ever boycotted a product based on where it was made, or how it was advertised or what it represented?

2. Do YOU believe boycotts are a proper way to express displeasure of a company's political or religious leanings?

3. Has one side gone to far now, or does it actually balance out? 

4. Would you be MORE likely or LESS likely  to support a boycotted product? Or for you, it makes no difference?


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