How'd you get your pet?

 Pets come into our lives via various circuitous paths.  For example, my younger daughter's giant cat.

Noot was a doomed.  He was a gigantic Maine Coon, weighing around 17 pounds.  And his owner didn't want him anymore.  She was my older daughter's roommate at an art school up in Boston, and she'd decided to move back to Florida to live with her mother.  Who was allergic to cats.  She was going to haul Noot back to the local "shelter."  Which meant exactly what you're thinking.  

My daughter, aghast, called to ask if I could take on another cat "for a little while."  I said yes, and Noot made a voyage to the midwest.  

My own cats were freaked out.  They were ordinary-sized cats.  Noot terrified them.  No, that orange one is not a kitten.  She's full-grown. 

Then my younger daughter finished her schooling at Carnegie-Mellon and was off to Seattle to seek her fortune.  And, coming home, she fell in love with this monster cat who was as big as her torso.  So Noot moved with her, and is there to this day.  A giant, cross-country Maine Coon.  

And as icing on the cake:  my daughter works at Microsoft.  So for years, if you asked the "digital assistant" Cortona, "Do you like cats?"  Cortana would answer, "Yeah, man!  Cats are cool!"

And show you a picture of Noot.

Tell us how you got your pet!

     AlextheKay lives with Betsyboop and Knick-Knack


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