The beloved/dreaded calendar...
Here’s something all of humanity has in common: the months of the year. We all experience them, all have thoughts about them, and all dread or look forward to certain ones.
Some love the months with a lot of holidays, like the end of the year, because it might mean extra paid time off from work and/or more time with loved ones. Some dread certain months of the year because maybe it emotionally reminds them of a loved one they’ve lost, or other kind of tragedy that happened in that particular month.
Then there are those months where there is some kind of accounting (budget/fiscal/"close the books'" kind of thing) year end to deal with at your workplace. Or the month where your company does a total product inventory. Yeah, those can be pressure-filled and draining. (Been there, done that!) And let's not forget to get April's "Tax Day" pressure (the IRS, here in the U.S.) into the act! Rough for accountants and even rougher for the payers! 😱
Well, anyway, here’s the question:
-What one particular month (not holiday but month) do you
look forward to the most? Why?
-What one particular month do you dread the most? Why?
Tell us about your stories on your most/least favorite month
of the year.
(by PrimalSoup)
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