I'm Back!

 What a Christmas!! How many of you got stuck in a snow storm? How many of you had to change your plans? How many are gonna do things differently next year?

As you all know by now, Geri and I returned to our home town in Minnesota to visit our families, and it was a hell of a lot of fun but for the wrong reasons.
Saw my brother and his family Christmas Eve but then again they live close to the hotel we were staying at. Geri's two daughters on the other hand live a distance away so we had to wait till most of the snow had been cleared off the highways and then we went to see them this past Monday. 

The fun part was being stuck at our hotel for all but two days, and with most of the town shut down and few places open, we were pretty much stuck in the lobby reading books and enjoying the fireplace or cooped up in our rooms. 

SO, would we rather have been at home and told family we will see you in the summer. YOU BETCHA! 
Already told all concerned next Christmas they come see us (I have always been the one to visit others over Christmas) or forget about it.

Anyway, I am back. 


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