The case against Logan Mailloux

At what point do WE (as us average every day citizens) accept that someone who has done something extremely inappropriate should be allowed to be redeemed, forgiven, and allowed to get their life back on track?

OR are some inappropriate actions so heinous as to condemn a young man to a lifetime of abuse?

AND where does partisanship come in? YOU know, if my guy does it is excusable and he should be forgiven, but if YOUR guy does it he should be mocked forever.

Example: Those who STILL post pictures of  Justin Trudeau in blackface because he having worn blackface at some point in his life is seen as unforgivable and therefore he is fair game to have memes about him in blackface tossed out there forever.

SO - then what about Logan Mailloux?

The short version is, he posted pictures of him having sex with a young lady WITHOUT her consent (He was charged with defamation and criminal photography, and ordered to pay a fine), and as a result the sports media were urging that every NHL team avoid drafting him in the 2021 NHL draft, and he himself requested no one draft him.

YET - the Montreal Canadiens DID, and the headlines here in Canada were full of condemnation of  the Canadiens drafting him, despite the fact that he was apologetic and remorseful. (Some of you no doubt will think he was ONLY remorseful because of the jeopardy to his career).

BUT it begs the question, as inappropriate as Mailloux's actions were, does he HAVE TO pay the price for the rest of his life, and did he HAVE TO lose his chance at being drafted into the NHL so he can pursue his hockey career?

At what point do we say "inexcusable" vs "apology accepted"?


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