“Let’s be Evil” Friday…


Feel like blowing off some "frustration steam" today?  Being ornery is one way.  My blog friend, Peachy Keen, gave me an idea.  Let’s have some political fun with acronyms. 

I will present a list of common chat acronyms with their meanings, and you can pick out a few that strike your fancy, and change it to mean something else.  You don’t have to go strictly political, but let’s face it, it’s more fun that way.  Sky’s the limit, but don’t get too nasty/crude, else Snowflake may ban you.  Also feel free to add ones that are not on the list below.  I’ll do a couple myself as examples: 

STFU: Shut the *swear word!* up  --could mean-- Stop The Freakin’ Usurpers

LMK: Let me know  --could mean--  Lindsay [Graham] Must Know [the truth]

NVM: Nevermind  --could mean-- No Votes [really] Matter [in light of all the political corruption and Citizens United, gerrymandering, and voter suppression 😭]

TBH: To be honest  --could mean--  Take Back Honesty

MMS: Multimedia messaging service  --could mean-- Mitch McConnell Sucks

ROFL: Rolling on floor laughing

ICYMI: In case you missed it

TBF: To be frank

BRB: Be right back

BTW: By the way

LOL: Laugh out loud

FWIW: For what it’s worth

IMO: In my opinion

IDK: I don’t know

TBD: To be decided

EOD: End of day

AKA: Also known as

ASAP: As soon as possible

DIY: Do it yourself

NP: No problem

TIA: Thanks in advance

ILY: I love you

MCM: Man crush Monday

WCW: Woman crush Wednesday

CTA: Call to action

SMS: Short message service

ROI: Return on investment


Go ahead MMD (make my [and your] day), and give us a few chuckles.  Have (evil) fun 😜 and don't forget to hit the recommend button.

 (by PrimordialSoup)


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