The Cleveland No Pants Preacher
When I was young, there was a downtown street preacher who didn't like pants on women. He was always screaming, rain or shine, day or night, yelling, "Women should not wear pants!" This was apparently the bit of Scripture that really mattered to him. The nub of the biscuit, as it were.
The women tell Dorn, “why are you looking at me. Close your eyes,” “I’m not flaunting anything, don’t look at me,” “please go,” and “get the f*** away.”
Dorn tells them to “take young eyes into consideration,” while calling their appearance, “pornography.”
“If men of God don’t stand up then our society’s going to go down the drain because there’s no morality,” he insists in the video.
Clearly, the No Pants Preacher's word has come down to later generations. Hallelujah! So share with us what the loonier preachers said in your parts --and about your parts (woo woo!) -- over the years.
And, ladies, remember:
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