Favorite strange combos...


How ‘bout something on the lighter side today.  Let’s talk food, a rather innocuous subject.  Who doesn’t like food?  Well, one of my old bosses, that's who.  He claimed to be a breatharian.  Got all the nutrients he needed from the air.  Each morning, he’d bring in one piece of bread, folded in half, with something or other inside, wrapped in plastic wrap, and it stood there, on his desk, looking back at him until IT finally won (he gave in and ate it).  Anyway…

Here are some of my favorite strange-ish combos:

-Green burritos with a lot of mustard and onions

-Tomato Sandwiches on nutritionally empty white bread, with mayo and salt (sometimes toasted)

-Cheese, hot pepper and mustard sandwiches

-Egg sandwiches with tomato and a little mayo… and salt (I see a theme building here ;)

-Just to drag my husband in on the act, strange Dutchman that he his, he likes mashed potatoes with green peas and applesauce, all mixed up together.  Looks like ABC stuff to me, but…  :-O  Hey, whatever.

So, what do you like that’s strange-ish to eat?  Impress us with your gastronomical fortitude!

(by Primoridal “Soup”… yikes, more food!)


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