Attention to ALL of Snowflake's AUTHORS!

Ok, Snowflake has said that some are having a hard time with creating new posts. So I'm going to do my best to help out.

FIRST: In order to 'author' in the blog, you MUST have a Google account. If you don't have one, you won't be able to contribute as an author. So if you don't have one and you want to be an author, sign up for a Google account. You can use your main email address to set it up but make sure you go through all of the privacy settings so that no personal information shows through the Google account. You can 'hide' your name (should you use your real name) and choose a 'screen name' that will show instead and I'd recommend that name be the same as your Disqus name so that people will know who it is.

Once you have created a Google account, you will use that to log in through and once you are there, the blog 'should' automatically show to you being you are an author. If not, check up in the top left corner and see if it's there for you to select as shown in this screen grab:

Ok, once in blogger and to create a post follow these screen grabs in the order they are posted:

On this 2nd screen grab ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can see where to enter your title, the body, etc...

Once you have put in the title, information in the body and all, have added whatever pictures and/or gifs that you want to add, the next step is to publish:

Once you click publish, your post is now visible to everyone!

Should you decide that something in the post needs changed, you can edit it by by hovering over the blog post on the page where you select posts from and clicking on 'edit', go in and change what you want changed and then click 'update' which will be located in the same spot that 'publish' was located prior to it being published. It changes from publish to update once you go in to edit.

Hopefully this will help solve any issues people are having with learning the platform. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to tag me!


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