Dull as cupcakes

 Never heard of the expression?

I grew up hearing it a lot. If something was dull, it was dull as cupcakes. 

Appropriate, I would say, since cupcakes, no matter how dressed up, ARE dull.

Mind you, nowadays, cupcakes is used in a different context, if you get my drift. 

Nowadays you can no longer buy anything a dime a dozen. Hell, a dime won't buy you anything.

So, without beating around the bush, what "expressions" or "idioms" have you heard or used?

Anything slightly out of the ordinary, like the cupcakes one? 

Now because I wanted to keep this thread PG, I didn't get too graphic in what expressions or idioms I may have heard from time to time but I won't put that restriction on YOU. So, let your hair down, and let 'er rip. 


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