Low Finance


Let’s talk about money! Not how much you have (none of my business) but where you put what you do have. I’m curious whether you are interested in investing, and how you go about it.

Answer as many or as few of these questions as catch your fancy:

  1. Do you find investing interesting or boring?

  2. Do you manage your money or does someone else?

  3. Stocks? Bonds? Mutual funds? ETFs?

  4. Are you a Boglehead?

  5. Conservative? Risk-taker?

  6. Do you have an Investing Policy Statement? An investing philosophy?

  7. What was your worst investing mistake? Best investing decision?

  8. Crypto?

  9. How has your [approach to investing] [relationship with money] changed over the years?

  10. Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the communist party?

[content courtesy of Dan T]


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