What did you do the day AFTER Christmas?

 So Christmas is over.  In Britain, they call it Boxing Day (and no one can agree on why).  In the USA, we call it Recover From Christmas in Time For New Year's Eve Day.  I've no idea what they call it on Betelguese, but it's probably something they have to say three times. (Beetle Juice, get it?)

Even if you're not a Christian, it's one of those days when Nothing Really Gets Done.  So what did you do?

Did you re-box the presents you can't stand to be stored for regifting?

Did you sit around in a room buried in ripped-up gift-wrap and dead fir tree needles?

Did you thank your lucky stars you're in lockdown and didn't have to entertain?

Tell us!  

AlextheKay, who watched a movie and made gumbo.


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