
Showing posts from October, 2024

Pithy Wititude wants to know…

  Pithy Wititude, Region Rat   I want to know your story. Where you're from, what you love, how you got to where you are now, what factors caused that to be, and what's next. Things like that. Give me the Cliff's Notes version of your life story. 🙂 (by PrimalSoup)

Rorschach test...

  What do you see? (by PrimalSoup)

Things That Make Your skin Crawl.

  Most people hate it when fingernails are scraped across the blackboard.  Bunny fine with it.  Gets the kid`s  attention.  Also fine with chewing aluminum foil. Wood against the teeth…horrors.  The cheap wooden spoons for eating ice cream, the reed from a woodwind instrument…just thinking of it makes Bunny’s teeth itch and crawl. What does it for you? J.P. Bunny

'Lieutenant Dan' Goes Viral

  Not sure how we will find an update to see if God was able to save this guy, but here is  the story: A one-legged  Tampa Bay  man has built a fanatical following online for opting to stay in his sailboat because God told him to as the deadly  Hurricane Milton  approaches  Florida . "God told me to come out here and get a boat, I came out here and got a boat," Malinowski said. "Everything that he's been telling me over the last two days is I'm doing the right thing, he's got my back. I'm in good shape. I'm not sweating it." "The safest place to be is on a boat during a flood; we learned that with Noah," Malinowski shared. "Everyone that stayed on land drowned." More: Stay safe people, don't be a Lieutenant Dan. 

Favourite And Hated School Subjects.

  The title says it all.  Bunny loved history classes and subjects related to English.  Reading, writing, literature…. Geometry…nope.  Math okay, as long as it involved numbers, not letters.  PE despised. What subjects did you like & loathe? J.P. Bunny

Déjà Vu?

Ever have that feeling you have been there before or have had that experience before, but know that you haven't?  It's called  Déjà Vu. Déjà vu is French for "already seen" and describes the sensation of recognizing a situation and thinking it's familiar—when it's not.  It's difficult to pinpoint how many people experience it, but one study found that it affected about two-thirds of the population. Despite being fairly common, there's not much research about deja vu. Because it is a subjective experience and is difficult to induce in research subjects, testing the theories behind it can be tricky. Cleary AM, Neisser J, McMahan T, et al.   Subjective distinguishability of seizure and non-seizure Déjà Vu: A case report, brief literature review, and research prospects .  Epilepsy & Behavior . 2021;125:108373. doi:10.1016/j.yebeh.2021.108373 From personal experience, for me, it usually happens when I meet

Let’s vent a little…

Do people disappoint you? Do you expect too much from people? Is it you, or them? (I.e., do you just unfairly expect too much?) Do you encourage competence by complementing efficient people? (E.g., do you tell them you appreciate their attention to detail?) (by Primal 😞 Soup)

The DNA Is Strong With This One.

  What genetic traits run in your family line?  The things that confirm your place on the family tree. For Bunny it is a good sized nose that doesn’t work all that well, and the suicidal teeth. J.P. Bunny

Let's lighten up... (for our own sanity)...

  Freeze Peach 🍑   wants to know: Crazy silly things that help you cope. Like crystals. (by PrimalSoup)

The wizard of Oz

 What is going on here? Is Snowy seriously posting a thread about The Wizard of Oz?  Yuppers. Reason is simple, we watched it again last night. For me it was probably the 44th time. Ok, ok, I'm exaggerating. BUT............growing up, with one TV in the household, it was a yearly tradition to watch the Wizard. And it was always on one of the regular networks once a year. Anyone as old as I am remember that? In which case how often did you end up watching it? I know, I  know, it was hokey. I mean there JUST happened to be a bucket of water handy to melt the wicked witch. But that was the movies those days.  The Wizard of Oz - 85th Anniversary 4K UHD Theater Edition Giftset NOT for that price, thank you. Second Circuit denies bid to keep iconic ‘Wizard of Oz’ dress off auction block Barbara Hartke, who claims her deceased uncle owned the infamous dress, lacks standing to prevent the dress

Dealing With New Technology.

  New technology.  Do you embrace every new thing that comes along? Don’t really care, but use it if convenient? Grudgingly use it if forced to? Pick and choose which are nifty? Grumble and throw your stone tablets at it? Bunny somewhere between don’t really care, and the stone tablets.  Forced to use an IPad at work.  Turns out to be most convenient and fun.  Cards and letters are on actual paper.  Still use actual slides for some presentations.  Bunny will never give up his analog watches. J.P. Bunny

Dealing with missing data by random guessing

It's knowledge time! Ouch! Knowledge hurts As we all know, data is often incomplete. It's a stinking plague in the biological and social sciences. We need stinking statistics to deal with it. Quanta Magazine writes : When Data Is Missing, Scientists Guess.  Then Guess Again. Data is almost always incomplete. Patients drop out of clinical trials and survey respondents skip questions; schools fail to report scores, and governments ignore elements of their economies. When data goes missing, standard statistical tools, like taking averages, are no longer useful. “We cannot calculate with missing data, just as we can’t divide by zero,” said Stef van Buuren(opens a new tab) , the professor of statistical analysis of incomplete data at the University of Utrecht. Suppose you are testing a new drug to reduce blood pressure. You measure the blood pressure of your study participants every week, but a few get impatient: Their blood pressure hasn’t improved much, so they stop showing up. Yo

Red Sea Robinhood wants to know...

Red Sea Robinhood   In some disqussions that tend to be ideologically balanced, you can get blocked out simply by posting some fact they don't want to hear. Challenging their world view is deemed as hostility, no matter how diplomatically and/or objectively you state it. They can be as nasty as they want to you with impunity, but give them a teaspoon of the abuse they shower on you by the cup full and just like a school yard bully getting a taste of what they threaten to give to their targeted victim they get all whiney and complain they're  being bullied. Q: Does this accurately describe the state of politics in the U.S. these days? (by PrimalSoup)

I need help..........

 Don't know what to do. As you all know I still keep busy school cross guarding. Weather is still nice but a tad chilly in the morning. Some parents clearly feel sorry for me. Has happened many times. They bring me coffee to warm me up. Cept - I am on duty, it's chilly out in the morning so if I put the coffee down to drink later it gets cold, or if it's really chilly I am wearing mits and can't hold the coffee, so have to take off at least one mit, make sure no kids are coming, then either take a sip or put it down (on the sidewalk no less, nowhere else to put it) and put the mit back on. All the while holding a Stop sign. Worse - They bring me coffee with cream and sugar in it. I don't drink sugar in my coffee. It makes me mean. (Anyone a fan of Big Sugar gets what I am saying there) OR - they bring me a black coffee, with one of those little cups of cream and a packet of sugar. So, I have to wait till the kids have gone by, remove a mit, or put down my sign, remo

Aging And Changing Tastes.

  We get old and our bodies change.  This may also go for the food we like or dislike.  Way back when Bunny was a young hare, never fond of chicken.  Now, love it. Hated cheese and wouldn’t touch yogurt.  Now both super yummy.  Yoo-Hoo was a great drink, but now… What, if anything, has changed for you? J.P. Bunny