Luck of the Draw… 🍀

Do you believe in luck (whether good or bad)?  That’s when unexpected things happen that normally wouldn’t. 

When it’s good, they sometimes call it “Lady Luck.”  Then there’s the saying, “If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all.”  Yes, that’s the bad kind.

If you believe in luck, have you had any such experiences?  Maybe you escaped harm or death by the skin of your teeth?  Maybe you won the lottery?  Maybe you were lucky enough to get born into a well-functioning, well-adjusted family?  Things like that.

Tell us about any (what you’d call) “amazing luck” experiences you’ve had. If you’ve had such experiences but don’t attribute them to luck, what do you attribute them to?

Thanks for posting and favoriting.

(by Primordial “Break a leg! 😉” Soup)


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