Want to see your name up in lights?
Well, more like a passing mention here on this blog. 😁 The old “15-minutes of fame” thing.
The “suggestions” line is now open and I’m looking for ideas
for OPs/threads. We need to help each
other out if we want this forum to continue to flourish.
So, do your part and pitch in. Contribute something. Doesn’t matter the category (porn excepted [i.e.,
not accepted that is] 😜).
Ask as many questions as you want over the next week. I will be checking in daily and will be
building a list of poster’s questions to be showcased over the next several months
(I hope).
Thanks, fellow posters!
The responsibility is also in your hands now!
So claim/take some ownership with this project!
(by PrimalSoup)
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