Whatever Happened To Original Ideas?


Sequels, prequels, part II, III, XXV, spinoffs, unnecessary backstories, alternate universes, remakes, reimagining ….  Whatever happened to Hollywood coming up with new ideas?  The show biz saying is “always leave the audience wanting more.”  But, we just get more and more of the same.

Three great Star Wars films, and six unneeded ones.  Do we really need to know the backstory of how Darth became nasty?  Why not let us use our own imaginations?  How many times to we need to be told the Superman or Batman origins?

Do you think the industry has mainly given up with originality, and reheating the same dinner over and over again?

Just so Bunny isn’t painted as a total curmudgeon, the original Planet of the Apes is a classic.  Tim Burton`s remake utter fertilizer.  But, the new ones are great.

J.P.  Bunny


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