Well, that was annoying..............
So, I posted a thread this morning that Blogger, in their eternal wisdom, flagged as spam or some such, and closed.
I thought it was witty, and had a point to make. I guess we could get into a whole discussion about what administrators of certain sites should be or should not be doing to control content, but since I apparently violated some rule of theirs, I will let it slide.
What I posted was a Trump thread. IN the body of my thread, I posted one word over and over again, maybe too many times?
That word was Trump. Just one word. The point I was trying to make was this..............
I was trying to convey THAT message by just using one word over and over and over again. Trump.
So, now I am forced to explain my intent a different way. Can we ever stop talking about Trump, even for one day, or is he permanently etched into our brains?
Thoughts? Not only on the Trump obsession, but on Blogger shutting down my previous thread.
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