Why republicans are “sick of it”…

Generally speaking (and please keep that in mind here), 

Americans are rather wild compared to the rest of the societies in the world. Being as free as we are lends itself to such. 

We’re loose with the truth, we’re loose with our sex, we’re loose with our violent-type entertainments. These type things paint a picture of a “life is cheap” mentality.  Live for today, effe the future and civility.

Look at our role models: Hollywood, celebrity, rock stars, athletes, billionaires, … well, you get my point. It’s mostly the “still mentally young” who look to these types for guidance and to emulate.  But many grown-ass adults also follow suit.  These type icons are super-revered in today’s American society.  And the media, an enabler, is “all in” with it. "Give the people what they want."

As Americans, what are our responsibilities/obligations?  Not many really.  Basically, follow the laws and vote every four years is pretty much all that’s expected of us, as a member of society. Also Pledge your Allegiance to the Flag, whether you mean it or not (do it for show). 

Are any kinds of voluntary community service required?  Nope. Any kinds of common cause obligations? Nope. We’ve almost become an “us versus them” society; “them” being anyone who is not like you. We are not all that “United” as in States, these days. Everybody is angry and everybody is suspicious of one another. 

Where am I going here?  I think that, in a big way, the generalities that I point out are a big part of the republicans’ general complaint.  I.e., they know and believe we’ve gotten “out of hand.” In a way, we remind them of unruly children who keep defying, over and over, their adult overseers. And the “wilder” we get, the more it pisses them off. So they dig in deeper with their desire to control us unruly kids. They see our society as going to hell, with abortions and gays and what have you, and want to “get control” over the situation (through their politics and their religion). 

Am I seeing the picture correctly?  

I also know it’s complicated, but at face value, at some kind of fundamental level, would you agree that this is something that’s going on in today’s American society?  Talk to me. 

(by PrimalSoup)


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