Green cone technology
Let's ignore Trump and the pro-global warming GOP on this one Green cones are composters for food waste that run on sunlight. Green composting turns food waste into liquid or semi-liquid food for plants, not compost. The top part stays above ground in the sun. The bottom part is buried underground. The WaPo writes ( not paywalled ): What if you could make food waste disappear by throwing it into a hole in the ground and walking away. No more fouled trash. Less climate pollution. While researching ways to compost , I discovered an easy method to turn virtually any organic waste from veggie scraps to chicken bones to pet waste back into nature: solar digesters. They don’t produce compost, the rich, fluffy organic matter that turns back into soil. Instead, these biodigesters — typically little more than half-buried plastic cones within a small patch of dirt — harness microbial workhorses and the sun’s heat to transform organic matter into its elemental components, mostly carbon, wat...