
Showing posts from September, 2024

milo's Question...

milo First love I bet some people can tell us interesting stories. Anything that makes a compelling tale. A confession. An admission of idiocy in the face of lust. A heart-rending story of loss or regret. A triumphant tale of success. Anything that will satisfy our need to pry into one another's lives and hold them up in the bright light for scrutiny. (posted by PrimalSoup for milo)

What's in a [name] reality... a [rose] reality by any other name may smell as sweet.

Okay, I hope you had fun with my title! I just spent time posting the following comment to one of my favorite people here.   I started thinking, “I wonder if anyone else might like to contemplate my post."   So I am reposting it here for anyone who finds interest in it.   I know it’s a Saturday, and the grill awaits.   But if you want to take time to think about it, no pressure.   I understand.   Enjoy your reality today!! 🌭🍔🍺🍷⚽🏈🏁 , etc. Here’s something I think about on occasion (I hope I can explain it in a coherent way).  You’re gonna see a lot of “quoting.” 😊   We have “our” reality.  We are “used” to it.  It makes a kind of “sense” to us.  We can do things over and over and expect the same results.  IOW, we have somewhat of a “handle” on our “situation(s).”  We call these things our objective reality, and it is.   We’ve come to describe our reality as “being driven” by The Laws of Physics.  They are at the root (“root cause”/enabler) of the reality we know.  Scientist,

Who Invented Weekends?

 Not sure. But does it matter? People shop till they drop on Saturdays. Maybe go to church on Sundays. Stores open all 7 days of the week now. But have you ever stopped to wonder who invented weekends? Who came up with the idea of working five days and then taking two days off? Why didn't they make the  workweek  two days and the  weekend  five days? For much of history, taking one day of rest each week has been very common. This stems from various religious traditions. For example,  Muslims  traditionally took a day of rest on Friday, while  Jewish  people observed a day of rest on Saturday and Christians did so on Sunday. It wasn't until the  Industrial   Revolution  of the late 1800s that the concept of a two-day “ weekend " began to take shape. At this time, large factories that produced consumer goods were beginning to  transform  the traditional farming  economy  into an  industrial  one. Over time,  factory  owne

Kind Guy's Question...

Kind Guy , Me Alright Green Tech news. (posted by PrimalSoup for Kind Guy)

Peter Taylor's Question...

Peter Taylor Coping with death; when a loved one dies? (posted by PrimalSoup for Peter Taylor)

What Has Happened To Radio?

  Where Bunny lives there is just the one station in English, which only plays top 40 music and rap crap.  All novelty, parody, popular songs from musicals, oldies, or anything not top 40 or rap is not heard.  Bunny may be out of touch, so feel free to chastise him, but aside from the above and talk radio, are there islands of novelty and variety on the radio? J.P. Bunny


 If YOU were to rate BEST countries in the world, where would YOU place the USA? Let me start this conversation off by saying I  think the U.S. has definitely lost it's sheen in my estimation. I am not sure I could even place her in the top 10 best countries in the world. Yet................ The U.S. is ranked third? Canada only 4th? I know I know, that  The overall ranking of Best Countries measure global performance on a   variety of metrics .  Still............. The  United States  ranked 131st in the Global Peace Ranking for 2023. Never mind how they rank in health care.  Now, how do AMERICANS feel about their country? Talk about envy, Americans place Canada at only #7 and themselves as #2. Sheesh. What I really want to know is, how did the U.S. get elevated to #3 in 2024 when back in 2023 they were ranked thusly: 1. Wher

Kip Smithers' Question... (last in a series of 7)

KipSmithers Something you do now that you wish you had started doing earlier in life. Exercise and eating right are not allowed. Too obvious. Could be a big thing. Could be a little thing with a big impact. (posted by PrimalSoup for KipSmithers)

Global warming update

Image reports :  U.S. Battery Storage Is Booming U.S. battery storage installations are soaring thanks to tax credits from the Inflation Reduction Act. The total cost of battery storage systems has dropped significantly, further incentivizing installations. Battery storage installations are soaring in the United States thanks to incentives in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which offers, for the first time, tax credits for standalone storage capacity. .... In 2024, U.S. battery storage capacity could jump by 89% compared to 2023 if developers bring all of the energy storage systems they have planned online by their intended commercial operation dates, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) says . California and Texas are leading battery storage installations nationwide as the rapid growth of variable solar and wind capacity in these states supports growth in battery storage. This is good news. We're making some progress despite the forces of climate science an

Kip Smithers' Question... (6)

KipSmithers A detail you happen to like from something you don't particularly care for. *     *     * Since this is a question that can be hard to come up with answers for (or, for which it is hard to come up with answers 😜), to keep the ball rolling, I’m including some other “caring” type questions.   Give Kip’s question first/top priority, then answer any of these other questions where something might come to mind. RELATED QUESTIONS: What is something lots of people care about but really shouldn't? What is something you don’t care about, but probably should? What is something you like that most people don't care about? What is something that no one cares about? How can you care about something, but don’t do anything about it?   (posted by PrimalSoup for KipSmithers)

Let's take the day off...

  It's Sunday, in the neck of most of our woods. I decided to bring you all a box of virtual donuts, diets be damned. So, pick out your favorite before someone else gets it.  Virtually enjoy!! (by Primal " Dibs on that cinnamon roll " Soup)

Kip Smithers' Question... (5)

KipSmithers Say you've been framed for murder and am about to be put to death. What's your last meal? (posted by PrimalSoup for KipSmithers)

He called off the wedding — can she keep the ring?

 General question: Regardless of the following story, would you side with the lady if she wanted to keep her engagement ring if the gentleman broke off the engagement or should she be returning the ring? Now for the story: The Massachusetts high court waded into a debate involving hurt feelings, suspicions of infidelity and a $70,000 Tiffany stunner. BOSTON (CN) — A couple who spent almost seven years litigating over who gets to keep a ring after calling off their three-month engagement brought their squabble to the Massachusetts Supreme Court on Friday, with the justices appearing both amused and uncomfortable at having to pass judgment on a romantic imbroglio. Bruce Johnson gave a $70,000 Tiffany ring to Caroline Settino when they got engaged in August 2017. But according to Johnson, the relationship quickly went downhill — Settino began calling him a “moron,” treated him like a child, didn’t support him

Kip Smithers' Question... (4)

KipSmithers Even though you want nothing having to do with politics, here's one for the future: Your political journey. (posted by PrimalSoup for KipSmithers)

On the subject of discrimination.

 Just finished a short story called Brennbar's Rant, by John Irving. It was about discrimination. So here are some quotes from the short story: Brennbar said: The first form of discrimination I encountered while growing up was so subtle and pervasive that even to this day no group has been able to organize a protest against it, no politician has dared mention it, no civil case has been taken up by the courts. In no major, or minor, city is there even a suitable ghetto where these sufferers can support one another. Discrimination against them is so total that they even discriminate against each other, they are ashamed to be what they are, how they look, they are even ashamed of it when they are alone - and all the more ashamed to be seen together. Can you guess at the discrimination? Listen, said another character in the story, if you are talking about homosexuality, what you're saying is no longer the case........ No, said Brennbar. I'm talking about pimples. Acne. Zits. Yo

Kip Smithers' Question... (3)

KipSmithers Fantasy casting of a remake. Could be a bomb or an untouchable masterpiece. Doesn't matter. Pick any combination of actors from any time period for any role. Go nuts. And stop with the even more unoriginal "Enough remakes! Try something original!" complaints. Live a little. (posted by PrimalSoup for KipSmithers)

Kip Smithers' Question... (2)

KipSmithers Those little rituals from your life that you cherish. (posted by PrimalSoup for KipSmithers)

Kip Smithers' Question...

KipSmithers Songs you never seek out, but when you hear them, you really enjoy it. (posted by PrimalSoup for KipSmithers)

The second solar sail satellite is now in operation

Correction:  Apparently, the first solar sail was demonstrated by LightSail 2 in 2019-2022 .   TechSpot writes about the second satellite to be powered by light from the sun hitting a large sail: A new kind of solar power: NASA's Advanced Composite Solar Sail System recently hitched a ride to space on Rocket Lab's Electron launch vehicle. The spacecraft survived the trip and successfully deployed its solar sail and supporting booms. The futuristic sail will carry the craft in orbit around our planet using only photons from the sun for acceleration. The Advanced Composite Solar Sail System (ACS3) team received data indicating official confirmation of the sail's deployment on Thursday at 5:33 UTC (1:33 p.m. EDT). The deployment is the first step in its mission to demonstrate the operation of a composite boom solar sail in low-Earth orbit. Ships have navigated the seas of our planet using wind-powered sails as a primary means of propulsion for thousands of years. Much like

Labo(u)r Day Lite...

Here's something lite today to ease your mind of the world's troubles.  God(s) know we can use that.  It's a freakin' (Human Condition) mess out there. Task: List your three favorite comfort foods and rank them in order.  If it involves a special recipe, include it in your post.   Find help  here. (by PrimalSoup)

Night Owl Or Early Bird?

  The title says it all.  Which type of person are you?  Bunny can not stay up late and feels anxious if not home before dark. J. P. Bunny

Biohybrid machinery: Fungus-driven robots

New Atlas discusses a biohybrid machine that does not combine plant or animal cells with machines. Instead this is the first report of a biohybrid fungus robot: Fungus learns to drive in "biohybrid" robots A few decades of human engineering can’t compete with billions of years of evolution, so rather than reinvent the wheel it’s often better to just incorporate nature’s versions of things into synthetic systems. That’s why we have robots with super-sensitive locust ears , robot fish that swim thanks to beating human heart cells , and robots that crawl using sea slug muscles . Ultimately, this method could make for more responsive robots. Now, scientists at Cornell University have developed a new biohybrid robot that uses components from beyond the animal kingdom: fungi. These organisms sense and communicate using electrical signals sent through their mycelium, the root system. So the team grew the mycelium directly into the electronics of a robot, tapping into those natural

Peach's Question...

Peach 🍑   But I want to do porn ! How about some food porn? (posted by PrimalSoup for Peach)